Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Rock & Roll

         In discussing rock and roll, we talked a lot about the "model of authenticity" that categorized different rock styles in time according to their level of authenticity. According to the model, teen idol rock, 70's disco, and 80's big hair and metal rock are at the bottom of the model while Elvis, the Beatles, 70's punk rock, and early 90's alternative rock are at the top of the authenticity scale. I think it is interesting to try and classify rock this way because within each movement and especially within a certain artist or groups career we can see differing levels of "authenticity". To define authenticity here, it seems that the quality of lyrics seems to be the overreaching principle behind whether a group or movement gets deemed worthy of being authentic or not. I think there are definitely other factors, but the substance of the lyrics would have to be the most important.
         For example, I can't think of a type of music who's lyrics sound more ridiculous than the teen idol bubble gum pop age. No substance whatsoever. Same with the Disco, I personally don't think it belongs within the realm of rock. Not that I hate it or anything, I just think it should be included among another music genre. Although the 80's big hair and metal movement brings the sounds of the songs back to what we would generally think rock should be like, the lyrics are equally stupid.
         In contrast, the more authentic types of rock and roll combine musical talent with lyrics that share a message or challenge existing cultural systems as in the case of punk rock (which I detest). So in the end, it's the combination of thought provoking lyrics with musical talent that makes a song authentic and memorable.
         As I said before though, I think the Beatles have many songs with little or no substance to their lyrics, so  does Elvis Presley, the king of rock and roll himself. For this reason I believe the model is flawed, although it does provide us with some valuable comparisons and information. One things for sure, the 3 movements on the bottom of the authenticity totem pole deserve to stay there, I'm not a fan of any of them.

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